An Incomplete List of Thomas Friedman's Questions
Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/16 09:10AMPeggy Noonan Consulteth Her Chauffeur About Matters Political
Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/16 08:30AMTom Friedman Is No Socialist, Obviously
Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/16 11:15AMTom Friedman Reads Internet, Calls CEO, Continues Sleepwalking
Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/16 09:55AMEverything Is Not a "Hack"
Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/15 02:28PMRichard Cohen Is Great Friends With the Politicians He Writes About
Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/15 09:35AMHacker Brings Down New York Magazine Website Because He Really Hates NYC
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/27/15 08:01AM
On Sunday night, New York Magazine published the accounts of 35 women who say Bill Cosby raped them. It’s a powerful, first-hand narrative coupled with striking portraits of the victims but you can’t read it, because a racist hacker who apparently hates New York City took the magazine’s website offline.
Writing and What Comes With It
Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/15 10:35AMNeutral Observer David Brooks Has Noticed Hillary Is a Soviet Dictator
Tom Scocca · 07/14/15 01:54PM
David Brooks—a Yale instructor and New York Times columnist who can be found at the Aspen Ideas Festival—prefers to package himself as a reasonable thinker, but he has always been, to one degree or another, depending on the season, a dumb partisan hack. So now that he has finished enough philosophizing about the good life to fill a new book (and allusively air out his squalid midlife crisis), and now that there’s an election looming, it’s time to get back to partisan hackwork.
Narcissistic Columnist Writes World's Oldest Column, About Narcissism
Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/15 08:40AMFrank Bruni Loves Corporations
Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/15 09:02AMThe Dish Drafts: Unpublished Missives From the Andrew Sullivan Hack
Alex Pareene · 06/15/15 04:15PM
Ever since ur-blogger Andrew Sullivan retired from blogging in February, his fans and admirers (“SullyHeads,” as they’re not known) have wondered, “what’s Andrew Sullivan up to, right now?” and “what does Andrew Sullivan think about what is happening in the news lately?” Proving his doubters wrong, Sullivan has remained quiet since his last post in February. But earlier today there was a sign of life at his longtime blog, The Dish: A single post — a gif of a tumbleweed rolling along a dirt path — went live.
It Is Shocking That David Brooks Stays Employed as a Writer Somehow
Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/15 09:38AMClinton Received Now-Classified Benghazi Emails to Her Private Account
Ashley Feinberg · 05/22/15 12:55PM
While Hillary Clinton maintained to have only allowed “sensitive but unclassified” information to go through her private email server, that’s no longer technically the case. Earlier today, the FBI ordered that parts of an email containing information about the Benghazi attacks go from unclassified to “secret.”