[There was a video here]

A reader sent in this clip from an Australian newscast last night. It begins with a short item about a lotto winner who showed up in a terrible Spider-Man costume to collect his prize, so he could remain anonymous. Pretty amusing already, but it gets better. The two anchors then share a few laughs over the eccentric guy, who happens to be Chinese, before the elder one launches into a cringe-inducing description of a Chinese person. Then watch how the other guy handles it. It feels like an episode of The Office, but it's real.

I for one would love to hear what Penny Wong, the no-nonsense Asian-Australian Labor senator who was meowed at in parliament, has to say about it. Her nuclear death stare could certainly be put to good use on this drongo.


News.com.au picked up our story and approached the newscaster, John Mangos of Sky News, for comment. He apologized today for his remarks:

"On the Paul Murray program last night I made some off-the-cuff remarks about a Chinese lottery winner...

The remarks were meant to be light-hearted and under the pressure of live TV my words were poorly chosen. In hindsight I can see they could offend and I apologise unreservedly for what I said.

I am an Australian of overseas background myself and I am sorry for causing offence to anyone."