So, now that Anthony Weiner tweeted a picture of his dick, it's open season on all embarrassing pictures of Anthony Weiner, from any point in his life.

Previously, we gave you the double-Weiner. Now the National Enquirer dug up some old pictures of Anthony Weiner wearing a bra and pantyhose when he was a student at the State University of Plattsburgh. According to the Daily News, he was goofing off as part of the college's "secret Santa festivities."

One classmate told the Enquirer that Weiner "was a very odd guy who went out of his way to do things purely for the shock value." There you have it, folks.

Look for the humiliating photo of Anthony Weiner with cake smeared all over his face on his third birthday, and the embarrassing snapshot of him wearing sweatpants with cuffs on the bottom when he was 12.