
The Great Fortune of Capturing Anthony Weiner's Misfortune: Weiner

Rich Juzwiak · 05/23/16 11:10AM

An extraordinary thing fell into the laps of filmmakers Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg as they documented Anthony Weiner’s 2013 bid for New York City mayor: Weiner’s dick. For about six weeks, Kriegman and Steinberg filmed Weiner’s promising attempt at public redemption after his 2011 sexting scandal caused him to resign from Congress—and then a second wave of sexting allegations emerged.

The New Anthony Weiner Documentary Sounds Like It's Going to Be Juicy as Hell

Andy Cush · 01/19/16 12:35PM

Weiner is the title of a new documentary about the dismal 2013 New York City mayoral campaign of Anthony Weiner. Considering that Weiner’s run, like his tenure as a U.S. congressman before, was ended by a sexting scandal, the title seems like a mean and juvenile joke. But then again, that’s just his name: Weiner. Tough break, I guess. What are you gonna do? Anyway, the documentary sounds like it’s going to be excellent.

Anthony Weiner Still Doesn't Understand How to Use Twitter

Jordan Sargent · 10/24/14 11:53AM

It's been three years (only!) since Anthony Weiner's political career went limp because he sent photos of his dick to random women via social media, and yet he has still not learned how to use Twitter.

Anthony Weiner Claims He Never Asked the Times for That Blowjob

Tom Scocca · 10/30/13 04:28PM

This is the thing about Anthony Weiner: He's just so very, very seductive. Irresistible. He makes you do things you'd never dream of doing. Well, not you. Some people. They just want to surrender to him. The failed mayoral candidate tells GQ's Marshall Sella about how this sad fact undermined his campaign from the start, when he offered himself and his wife, Huma Abedin, up to the New York Times Magazine for the profile, by Jonathan Van Meter, that was to mark his return to political respectability:


J.K. Trotter · 10/11/13 02:03PM

Camille Dodero · 10/06/13 06:00AM

Would you like to see The Weiner Monologues, a Greek tragedy built around the "rise and fall (and rise and fall again)" of one spectacularly failed NYC Mayoral candidate? Me neither.

Lacey Donohue · 09/12/13 09:20PM

Husband Of the Year Anthony Weiner was spotted today with his wife Huma Abedin. They couldn't hold hands because he was carrying a L'Occitane bag, like any disgraced non-mayor would do. He spent his totally calm day taking his son to Duane Reade and the playground.

Who Not to Vote For in Tomorrow's Elections

Max Read · 09/09/13 01:17PM

Finally, tomorrow, after months of vaguely trying to follow the New York City mayoral race, millions of New Yorkers will enter ballot booths and choose their parties' mayoral candidates. Bill de Blasio? Christine Quinn? John Catsimatidis? We want Gawker readers to tell us all who we should absolutely not, under no circumstances, ever vote for, and why.