Race-Joking Obama Impersonator: GOP Loves Me

Obama impersonator Reggie Brown says reports about his performance at the Republican Leadership Conference are wrong. The GOP loved his jokes about Obama's mom being a black-man-loving Kardashian! They yanked him off the stage only because he ran out of time:
I think I delivered a great performance, and when I got offstage, as I exited, the audience the responded well. The organizers complimented me. They had a great time. I thought it was a great performance. Then we went back to read what a few people had written on blogs and there was a different story.
What happened is that I went over my minutes. They told me I had 20, but they aired a video before me and then my intro took up more time. When our liaison—they guy who introduced me–came up to me onstage, he said, "Hey, I am sorry—your time is up," and so I finished and went backstage. I was told it was because of my time, not my act, not because of anything I said.
I got a lot of fan mail this weekend, a lot of support, a lot of people subscribing to my Twitter and YouTube accounts, and the phone's been ringing off the hook.
Race-related awkwardness aside, Reggie Brown's Gingrich joke was OK: "His consultants are dropping faster than Anthony Weiner's pants in an AOL chat room." Weiner jokes are the great comedic equalizer, never that funny, but also never wrong. Anthony Weiner will be remembered as one of history's easiest punchlines, up there with the planet of Uranus, "staying at the Paris Hilton," and anything about Catherine the Great's horse. [CNN, image via INF]
Previously: Obama Impersonator's Race Jokes Not a Big Hit at GOP Conference