The prototype is incubating, but still under wraps. A recent picture of Larry Page's wife reveals that the Google CEO is expecting a second child. Just don't expect Page, the taciturn computer scientist, to reveal much about the baby.

Page's wife Lucy Southworth is pregnant for the second time. She and her baby bump were photographed at a recent birthday party for San Francisco enviro-capitalist Zem Joaquin; SFLuxe's caption called Southworth, a former model, "surprisingly sleek... despite being several months pregnant."

In the picture, Southworth is standing next to Sara Morishige Williams, who live tweeted her labor, being married to Twitter's co-founder and all. Don't expect that sort of transparency from Southworth and Page. The world still doesn't know the name of the couple's first kid, a boy born a year and a half ago. Although wed by high profile billionaire Richard Branson on his Caribbean island, Page is famously uncommunicative when he wants to be, and has never welcomed public attention for his private life (he apparently told fellow Googlers he wanted to buy and shutter a Gawker Media site after we ran pictures of his wedding). Of course, being a bit secretive is Page's right — just as it's our right to note that the man in charge of making "the world's information... universally accessible" is holding such basic information as his kids' names close to his chest.

[Photo of Page via AP. Photo of Lucy Southworth Page via Drew Altizer/SFLuxe]