So Roger Ebert went and posted that stupid tweet this morning about Ryan Dunn's death, "Friends don't let jackasses drink and drive," which he is still standing behind, but really, just shut up Roger Ebert? Nothing was conclusive at the time of the tweet, friends and fans were still in mortal shock over the awful news, and if I wanted lectures about the perils of drunk driving, which I do not, I wouldn't seek them out from a movie critic? That tweet just summed up everything that's annoying about Twitter to me. People wanting to be heard, me not wanting to hear them. (And stop contributing New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest entries, already! You got your framed trophy and bragging rights. How much validation of one's pithiness can one man possibly need?)

Anyway, Dunn's close friend and Jackass co-star Bam Margera responded to Ebert tonight on Twitter:

"I just lost my best friend, I have been crying hysterical for a full day and piece of s*it roger ebert has the gall to put in his 2 cents about a jackass drunk driving and [he] is one, f*ck you! Millions of people are crying right now, shut your fat f*cking mouth!"

Everything about this entire story sucks.

[TMZ, photo via Getty]