Lindsay Lohan Had a Diva-Off with Matt Lauer Last Night

Lindsay Lohan meant to give an interview before today's court appearance, but freaked out and locked herself in her bedroom instead. Hugh Hefner's wedding special is back on. Tobey Maguire and Matt Damon get caught up in a illegal poker scandal. Thursday gossip makes demands.
- After violating her probation by testing positive for alcohol last week, house-arrested Lindsay Lohan may be jailbound again (she's due in court today) which means interviewing her is the biggest coup an American journalist could get right now! Bigger than interviewing the president. Bigger than a sit-down with Osama bin Laden's reanimated corpse. But Matt Lauer walked out of an interview with her, because she was too demanding.
Lauer flew 3,000 miles to L.A., and was ready to interview Lindsay at 6PM last night, cameras set up and everything. But LiLo never came out of her bedroom. Page Six says she wanted $100,000 for the interview, even though they had already agreed to $50,000 "for photos or videos, because they don't pay for interviews." TMZ says "Lauer's team blindsided them by saying the interview would be extremely lengthy because producers were planning to put it on Dateline as well as Today." A Today Show publicist says Lindsay "had a change of heart and wasn't prepared to talk for more than 15 minutes… There was no licensing or payment agreement of any kind." Lindsay's publicist says "No money was involved, and I was the one who called [the interview] off." Update: Lauer discussed the episode on today's Today Show, and hinted that LiLo's dirty urine test might be part of his interview's poor "timing." Apparently they didn't know about it when they booked the interview? What a mess.
So either Lindsay Lohan is such a monstrous diva that the Today Show would rather lose a big scoop than deal with her, or Lauer pulled the ol' "walk away from the street merchant" bluff, and ended up walking away empty-handed. Either way, what did LiLo expect? If you want to dictate the terms of your interview, you go to an outlet with the word "Buzz" or "Biz" in its name, not Matt Lauer. He's a serious journalist! He arm-wrestled Tom Cruise! [P6, TMZ, TMZ, Celebitchy, images via Bauer-Griffin] - Hugh Hefner's Lifetime TV wedding special is back on, but they've changed it to a "runaway bride" theme, featuring buxom babes from Hef's past who come to the mansion to console him. [Perez Hilton]
- Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are snuggling in party pictures on perv photographer Terry Richardson's tumblr. She's a man-stealer! Burn her! Him, though, he's fine. Just look at that megawatt smile. Love you, Justin, call me. [Terry's Diary]

Katy Perry is on the cover of Rolling Stone with Hershey's kisses for boobs. Her career is a series of ornate boob decorations. She spent most of the interview talking about her boobs, too. [Rolling Stone]
- "Amanda Seyfried leaves party with mystery man." He is wearing a derby hat, possibly "peacocking." [X17]
- The Westboro Baptist Church is going to picket Ryan Dunn's funeral. [HuffPost]
- Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon are all part of a crazy illegal gambling scandal involving high-stakes poker and a convicted Ponzi schemer. Apparently Tobey won $300K from hedge fund manager-turned-scamster Brad Ruderman, who subsequently used his Ponzi scheme to pay off millions in poker debt. The buy-in for their games was $100K. [Radar]
- Pink and Carey Hart did a photoshoot with their newborn baby. Apparently Willow "slept the whole time." [People]
- Nick Cannon on his 7-week-old son Moroccan: "He's already got muscles." On daughter Monroe: "Diva. She always has to get her way, and she loves being held." You know those diva-like babies, always demanding basic sustenance and care. What are they, helpless babies? [P6]
- Reggie Bush doesn't care that ex-girlfriend Kim Kardashian is getting married. He's dating someone new, too! It's a "Kim Kardashian lookalike" who was once in an ad for Old Navy. So there! [TMZ]