Surprise! Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss were just kidding about giving up on their legal war against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg over him allegedly stealing their idea for Facebook. They're actually just changing tactics, slightly.

We did a little dance of happiness when the Winkelvoss twins announced they would not take the fight to overturn their 2008 settlement with Facebook to the Supreme Court, after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals told them their "litigation must come to an end." We were most happy for them: Finally, they'd get to go home and spend time with the $100 million they got in the previous settlement.

But according to the LA Times, this does not mean their hopeless struggle to overturn that settlement and get more money is over: Now, they're going to ask a Boston federal court to investigate if Zuckerberg's legal team withheld important evidence during litigation. That evidence mainly consists of incriminating instant messages from the founding of Facebook. Many were published in 2010 and show a scheming, dickish Zuckerberg but, according to his lawyers, at least, don't offer evidence of any theft.

Actually, we have been wanting to see the rest of these instant messages since the New Yorker reported the unpublished messages were really juicy. Is this enough to make us root for the Winkelvosses? Not a chance. Go away, like you promised.

[Image via Getty]