Sean Parker Gets Friendly with Lindsay Lohan

Shortly after being fired as Facebook president, Sean Parker was ejected from Bungalow 8 for piercing the eardrums of Lindsay Lohan and her entourage with his drunken screams. Five years later, the pair very much appear to have made up.
We heard a wild tale that Parker and Lohan had recently gotten coked up together; one version of the story even had Parker's jealous fiancée battering down a door. Parker's spokesman flatly denied the gossip. But Lohan was among the VIPs invited to enjoy bowls of caviar at Parker's sumptuous rental castle after Coachella this year. And Parker's spokesman didn't deny that Lohan partied on all three nights of the Palm Desert soirée.

Parker and fiancée Alexandra dressed up as Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears at Heidi Klum's Halloween party last year. (Getty)
Three back to back Coachella parties with LiLo and no coke? That does boggle the mind, especially given both of their reputations. Of course, Parker, who was memorably portrayed by Justin Timberlake in The Social Network, invited others as well. In addition to Lohan, Parker's fiancée Alexandra and Lohan's sister and brother, Ali and Michael, also made appearances at the party palace. And it's unlikely the partying has continued recently: Lohan spent 35 days under house arrest until she was released yesterday.
In any event, Parker and Lohan have clearly come a long way since the Bungalow 8 incident. Leave it to Facebook's most famous playboy to know how to turn a rude nightclub Poke into a Friend Request.
[Photo of Lohan via Getty. Photo of Parker, top, via]