All-around American girl Michele Bachmann hates on Medicaid because it helps poor people, and that's socialism. Yet since 2005, her husband has accepted $137,000 in Medicaid funds to "quality Christian-counsel" people so they don't become gay barbarians, as NBC has discovered.

The previously unreported payments are on top of the $24,000 in federal and state funds that Bachmann & Associates, the clinic founded by Marcus Bachmann, a clinical therapist, received in recent years under a state grant to train its employees, state records show. The figures were provided to NBC News in response to a Freedom of Information request.

As Bachmann told Bill O'Reilly once, "I don't need government to be successful." So it shouldn't be a problem to give all the money back, right? Or just stop accepting it. If money gets too tight, she can pick up an extra sub-minimum wage job to supplement the counseling business.

[MSNBC. Image via AP.]