We all know how banks screwed us over royally in the macro sense of the term, but it's nice to know that they still take out the time to deliver the shaft to their customers on an individual basis.

Example 1: Ikenna Njoku, a 28-year-old from Washington state, was a Chase customer who'd been sent a first time homeowner's tax rebate check in the amount of $8,463.21. When he went to his local branch to cash it, the teller was instantly suspicious.

"I was embarrassed," Njoku said. "She asked me what I did for a living. Asked me where I got the check from, looked me up and down-like ‘you just bought a house in Auburn, really?' She didn't believe that," he said.

Well, he had. They held the check and told him to come back the next day, which he did, whereupon the police were waiting for him and carted him off to jail. There he stayed, from Thursday to Monday (since the bank is closed on the weekend, naturally), until someone at Chase finally got around to confirming the check was real, and he was let out. But his check was seized as evidence for several weeks, during which time his prized Infiniti — which was towed from the bank's lot and impounded while he sat in jail — was auctioned off. Thanks, Chase!

Example 2: Tanya Forister — an unemployed, single mom from Orlando, FL. — was surprised to discover a $3 million overdraft when she visited her Bank of America ATM. They responded by closing all of her accounts and withholding funds; they'll send her a check for the missing funds in 10 to 15 business days.

Rent is due Friday. [KING5 News, WESH]