Teen meme Rebecca Black is releasing a new single on July 18th. It's called "My Moment," and was written by legit songwriters and produced by a guy who works with Hilary Duff. So, it might not inspire another uncontrollable spasm of internet hate.

The song will be accompanied by a video which, according to a statement, will "tell the story of her sudden rise to fame… it's a fairytale story, but it happened in real life." It is astonishing how thoroughly the Rebecca Black narrative has been transformed from a Web 2.0 cyberbullying horror story to a fairytale! Patrice Wilson, the guy responsible for writing and producing "Friday," has been recast as a bonafide star-maker, and Rebecca Black will self-publish her new slick single, plus an EP.

But can she make the transition from so-bad-it's good to straight-up good? Has anyone? And, more to the point: Without the edgy cyberbullying stuff, will anyone care?

[Hollywood Reporter, Image via RebeccaBlackOnline.com]