
The Price is Right Contestant Crowd Surfs On Down

Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/16/13 03:25PM

In perhaps the most Friday video since, well, "Friday," The Price is Right contestant Premal Shah gets called to come on down and suddenly finds carried toward the stage by a throng of excitable college kids.

Rebekah Brooks Covers Rebecca Black

Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/11 11:31AM

Obviously, this is not the real Rebekah Brooks singing her inner monologue to the tune of Rebecca Black's "Friday." If real Rebekah Brooks were to sing her inner monologue, it would be a string of British curse words set to the Wicked Witch of the West's theme song in the Wizard of Oz. Until the internet gets around to that, here is a much cuter version of "Rebekah Brooks" singing about "Phone hacking, phone hacking, hey! Sun, Sun, Sun, Sun." [AdWeek]

Rebecca Black's New Single Is Here

Adrian Chen · 07/18/11 04:19PM

Here it is, Rebecca Black's new single: "This Is My Moment." That she released it on a Monday says a lot about how ready she is to move past "Friday." Good luck with that!

Friday Saved by Reappearance of Rebecca Black Video

Adrian Chen · 06/17/11 10:15AM

After we learned that Rebecca Black's "Friday" had been removed from YouTube due to a legal squabble, we vowed that today would be our last Friday ever. What's the point of living in a world without this video? But it's back, and better (?) than ever.

Rebecca Black Has a Message for All You Haters

Matt Cherette · 04/21/11 09:24PM

On tonight's Extra, Rebecca Black talked to Mario Lopez about the death threats that have been made against her because of her annoyingly popular song, "Friday." Black said she just was surprised that some people were taking it so seriously: "Yeah, um, I think that's kind of weird. Like, why would you, it's a song! Like, it's not like I ran for President and then I said something really bad."

Rebecca Black Phenomenon to Somehow Get More Annoying

Richard Lawson · 04/14/11 05:10PM

You hoped it was over, but Rebecca Black's moment will go on. Also today: Lincoln finds his wife, Nickelodeon shows both old and new receive some good news, a new ABC show receives some bad news, and Ellen Page is headed to be neurotic in Rome.

Watch Kids React In Disgust To Rebecca Black's 'Friday'

Seth Abramovitch · 04/10/11 09:26PM

Here's an antidote to that sad, helpless feeling you get every time you hear Rebecca Black's unkillable ode to hebdomadal cycles, "Friday." In it, a group of brave, young test subjects submit to a screening of the infamous video that turned Black into our generation's biggest anti-star, then answer questions on what they've just seen. The results are reassuring, to say the least. Even the one little girl who actually liked it compares it to "a dessert with a pig on top." We might be leaving the planet in good hands, folks! [The Fine Bros]

Rebecca Black's 'Friday': The Meme That Wouldn't Die

Adrian Chen · 04/08/11 03:55PM

Well, it's Friday. Which means you've probably heard Rebecca Black's "Friday" drifting from someone's computer speakers or smartphone about 13 times today. People are still listening the hell out of "Friday," which has already been viewed almost 90 million times.

Everyone Wants a Piece of Rebecca Black's 'Friday'

Adrian Chen · 04/02/11 01:12PM

Rebecca Black's "Friday" is so terrible that… her mom and the production company that made the song and video are fighting over it. A "Friday" legal battle is brewing, and it's not about who should be sent to Music Prison over the song.