Sure, you've heard of Facebook billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker. But how about multimillionaire Ezra Callahan? Or half billionaires Matt Cohler, Adam D'Angelo and Chris Hughes? is ready to introduce you, and your libido, to the Facebook B-list.

The site lists significant Facebook stakeholders all the way down to the ex employee who left with 0.08 percent of the company, worth $68 million. That lucky bastard, Ezra Callahan, joined Facebook in 2004 after selling advertising for his college newspaper. There are no women on Who Owns Facebook — sorry straight guys, lesbians, and social progress in America — but there are some openly gay eligible bachelors like Chris Hughes (pictured) and Peter Thiel in the mix along with the straight guys. Figuring out their relationship status is left as an exercise to the reader; publisher Massinvestor, Inc. is more about venture capital data than romance. But it does quite handily sort its list by wealth, with notorious twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss dead last. Now we know why they're so aggressively bitter.

[Photo of Hughes via Steve Rhodes/Flickr]