Tattoos for Nerds

If you're getting a tattoo of a mouse pointer, robot or digital watch, it should probably be temporary, like the ones sold by Brooklyn startup Tattly. Digital devices are all about volatile memory and "undo" options, after all.
Tattly bills itself as an emporium for "designy" tattoos, having arisen from founder Tina Roth Eisenberg's frustration with the "bad clip art" quality of tats she was buying for her daughter. Her solution was to aggregate quirky designs from a variety of different designers, making this sort of like Etsy for your skin cells. Between the "Carpe Futurum" body art and the Macintosh grabby hand icon, we expect they'll be at least as popular at local hackathons this summer as at, say, Rockaway beaches. Decorate your pasty skin while you still can, geeks!