No One Wants to Have a Fun Camp David Sleepover Party with Obama

President Obama, who deservedly hates his life right now, extended congressional leaders an invitation to his swanky mountain retreat at Camp David as a way to finish debt ceiling negotiations in private. But maybe also as a way to get drunk and party in the mountains? We're just trying to figure out a compelling reason to allow so many assholes into your vacation home. But no one wants to go, anyway. Ouch!
John Boehner's spokesperson Michael Steel responded quickly: "The speaker has told the White House he sees no need to go to Camp David this weekend." But what if it will be pretty and there'll be cake and punch and stuff? "The speaker has told the White House he sees no need to go to Camp David this weekend." But they could pull pranks on Eric Cantor? Put his hand in hot water while he's sleeping and watch him wet the bed, or something similar? "The speaker has told the White House he sees no need to go to Camp David this weekend." FINE.
At least Boehner was blunt and didn't make up condescending excuses, like Nancy Pelosi:
"The only thing I hope he doesn't ask us to do is go to Camp David — that goes beyond the pale," Pelosi said. "I want that to be his preserve, a place where a president can go to renew, to study, to prepare for the next week. I want it to be a place where a president takes heads of state to close out all other concerns and stay focus on resolving a global problem. I don't want it to be a place where the president has to continue to listen to some of this stuff."
Oh please, lay off the "blah blah blah that's his place for him to meditate" fluff. Just tell him you don't like him and get it over with.
[Image via AP]