[There was a video here]

cops were injured by "friendly fire" while trying to apprehend a child pornography suspect while he attended a midnight screening of the most recent Harry Potter movie. There are so many inappropriate "wand" jokes to make right now.

Cops in Plainville, Connecticut, cornered suspect Eric Gothberg after the movie on Friday night and tried to arrest him but he didn't go willingly. When he reached for his pants (which is never a good thing for a child porn lover to do, especially right after a movie about magic children), the cops "discharged their weapons" (not the right idiom to use here, people) at the suspect. One bullet hit the suspect in the foot and another hit another cop who had just arrived at the scene in his squad car. His partner suffered injuries from flying shards of glass when the bullet hit the car window. No one was gravely injured, except for the reputation of the Plainville Police Department, which is now finding out how much it will cost to install a shooting range for some target practice.

[Video via FoxCT]