Sarah Palin is going to be a grandmother again. Eldest child Track Palin married high school sweetheart Britta Hanson two months ago, and now we hear that Britta is pregnant. The picture above of "Britta Pie," which appeared on a Wasilla friend's Facebook wall, confirms the news she's expecting. Britta looks to be several months along—perhaps more than two months?

Track and Britta married at the ages of 22 and 21, at a ceremony on their favorite ski slope. Wedding pictures and a jubilant "joint statement" appeared in People magazine. Track is an Army reservist who served in Iraq; Britta is the daughter of a minister who was studying to be a nurse as of last year.

Britta's friends responded to the Facebook pictures with elation. But given the timing of Britta's pregnancy, the happy couple may want to tell Sarah Palin to shut up the next time she champions abstinence-only education or Bristol sermonizes against extramarital sex, lest the conception of another Palin grandchild and the rationale behind another well-publicized Palin marriage fall into question.

The Palins did not respond to our request for comment.


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