A string of strangely motivated assaults in McDonald's restaurants continues to grip the nation. Yesterday, we brought you the story of a woman who launched a half-melted ice cream cake at an employee and then struck her in the face. Today brings the story of a McDonald's in Cobb County, Georgia, where the manager was charged with having punched a woman, seemingly for having entered the premises with a service dog used to help her care for her autistic twin sons.

[Tiffany Denise] Allen, off-duty at the time, became irate that the dog was in the restaurant, the warrant says. [Patron Jennifer] Schwenker explained to Allen the dog's purpose and told the manager the dog was legally allowed to be inside the establishment.

Allen, an imposing woman, continued to berate Schwenker, following her around the restaurant and even into the bathroom. At that point, Schwenker sensed danger and started to leave, but in the commotion realized one of her sons was missing. She panicked and ran off to find him, dropping her cup to the ground in the process, which splashed soda on Allen. Allen flew into a rage, followed the family into the parking lot, and then allegedly punched Schwenker in the face. There's video of the run-up to that here. Amazingly, no weaves were harmed in the violent, child-misplacing confrontation.

Allen, who no longer works at that McDonald's, was charged with battery assault and disorderly conduct. [Journal Constitution, screengrab via wsbtv.com ]