Never Visit a Murdoch Website Again with This Helpful Browser Add-On

The Murdoch phone-hacking scandal has crested; the parliamentary hearing was nothing compared to this. Now there are Murdoch-blocking browser add-ons! Never again accidentally visit a Murdoch-owned website!
Murdoch Alert debuted yesterday. Here's what it does, according to its description:
MurdochAlert show a warning bar on Murdoch Family-controlled websites. This alerts users to the potential computer security risks of accessing Murdoch-controlled sites. Handy also for identifying the news sources controlled by the Murdoch Family.
Looks like Murdoch just lost the powerful Firefox user base. And earlier this week, the Murdoch Block add-on for Chrome was released. So, he's down to just Safari and… ugh, Internet Explorer users. RIP, News Corp. [News Junkie Post via Reddit, image of Murdoch via Getty]