
News Corp. Did Not Do the Horrible Thing It Basically Admitted Doing

John Cook · 12/13/11 12:32PM

Whoops! Remember when Rupert Murdoch's News of the World was revealed to have illegally listened to the voicemails of teen murder victim Milly Dowler? And how the bastards actually erased the voicemails, leading Dowler's family to falsely believe that their little girl was still alive and checking her messages? And how Murdoch killed off NOTW in shame and a panicked attempt to avert scandal when it all came out? Well, there's a slight wrinkle.

Noted Sociopath James Murdoch Explains to Parliament That Everyone Is Lying But Him

John Cook · 11/10/11 10:01AM

James Murdoch, the News International CEO and News Corp. scion who has been identified by an overwhelming array of documentary and testimonial evidence as having been made abundantly aware that the company he runs engaged in widespread and routine criminal conduct by repeatedly hacking into celebrity's voicemails, told Parliament this morning that he didn't know anything about widespread hacking and all the people who say he did are liars.

The Murdochs Are Lying Liars

John Cook · 11/01/11 05:18PM

The parliamentary committee investigating illegal voicemail hacking at News International has released a cache of internal company documents showing that the firm was well aware of just how deep its phone hacking scandal went way back in 2008, when it was still publicly claiming that the problem was limited to a few bad apples.

News Corp Reaches Blood Money Settlement With Dead Girl's Family

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/11 01:42PM

In your mordant Monday media column: News Corp pays up for Milly Dowler, Janet Robinson tweets in secret, Ted Koppel could head to NBC, Americans think Fox News is "the best," and a Senator's wife finally resigns from a newspaper.

Judith Miller to Uncover Bombs as Theater Critic

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/11 01:40PM

In your tendentious Tuesday media column: Judith Miller gets a new job, James Murdoch accused of deception, the NYT poaches from the WSJ, Jill Abramson's introductory memo, and organic Thai asparagus journalism.

Murdoch Paper Hacked Phone It Gave as Gift to Murdered Girl's Mother

Max Read · 07/28/11 12:29PM

News of the World, the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid shut down last month over allegations of extensive illegal story-gathering practices, is now accused of hacking the voicemail of the mother of a murdered eight-year-old—on a phone that the paper's editor Rebekah Brooks gave her as a gift.

Rebekah Brooks Covers Rebecca Black

Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/11 11:31AM

Obviously, this is not the real Rebekah Brooks singing her inner monologue to the tune of Rebecca Black's "Friday." If real Rebekah Brooks were to sing her inner monologue, it would be a string of British curse words set to the Wicked Witch of the West's theme song in the Wizard of Oz. Until the internet gets around to that, here is a much cuter version of "Rebekah Brooks" singing about "Phone hacking, phone hacking, hey! Sun, Sun, Sun, Sun." [AdWeek]

Rupert Murdoch Has Left the Building

John Cook · 07/19/11 04:01PM

What the fuck does Rupert Murdoch do all day? To judge by his baffling performance before a British parliamentary committee investigating him for phone hacking, little more than gossip on the phone with whatever old-timer is willing to indulge him while his son James and wife Wendi battle for control of News Corporation.

Rupert Murdoch: It's Not My Fault

John Cook · 07/19/11 10:19AM

Rupert Murdoch and his son James have been testifying this morning before a British Parliamentary committee investigating the wide-ranging criminality of basically everything they've done for the past 20 years.

Stephen Colbert's Unique Take on the Murdoch Hacking Scandal

Matt Cherette · 07/19/11 12:39AM

Tomorrow, News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch, his son James, and former News International CEO Rebekah Brooks will testify before Parliament about their knowledge of the News of the World hacking scandal that has rocked Britain for weeks. But on tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert—much like Steve Doocy on Friday's edition of Fox & Friends—had a much less serious take on it all. Video of Colbert's segment is above.

Tuesday Could Be Rupert Murdoch's Last Day as CEO

Max Read · 07/18/11 07:11PM

How bad are things looking for News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal? This bad: If he screws up enough during Tuesday's parliamentary hearing, he may be replaced as CEO by jauntily-mustachioed COO Chase Carey.

Rupert Murdoch Found Dead, According to Hacked Murdoch Paper

Adrian Chen · 07/18/11 05:19PM

The hacking group LulzSec appears to be back, with a very timely hack of Rupert Murdoch's British tabloid The Sun—the sister publication of the dead News of the World. And they warn, ominously, that they've got emails, too.