The Daily Mail has a story today that will change your perception of the stuffy old Tower of London forever. Major General Keith Cima, who was fired as governor of the Tower in December, is blowing the lid off a sophicticated ring of Beefeaters who grow weed and rent Tower rooms out to "young female tourists." They also incessantly harassed the first ever female Beefeater, Moira Cameron. In a statement to the London Central Employment Tribunal, Cima had this to say about the place while he was in charge:

'Within weeks three whistleblowers (one member of HRP finance and two Yeoman Warders) alleged financial impropriety around the Tower Social Club (used in the main by Yeoman Warders) illegal raffles, selling tickets for use of the Tower and Tower Club, unauthorised access to the Crown Jewels, unauthorised receptions in the Crypt of the Chapel Royal, cannabis growing, sub-letting of accommodation to young female tourists, and that this had been going on for a long time.

‘I regarded these Spanish practices as completely unacceptable.'

That doesn't say much for Cima's effectiveness as a boss with that happening on his watch. But still, getting high and trying on the Crown Jewels would make for a memorable vacation.

[Image via AP/Shutterstock]