Charlie Sheen's Funeral to Be Broadcast to Millions

Well, OK, it's actually Charlie Sheen's "character" on Two and a Half Men who will be having a televised funeral this fall.
The series' first Sheenless season will be begin with Charlie's funeral and, somehow, usher in new and gross cast member Ashton Kutcher. We already knew that Sheen's character would die on the show, but we didn't know we'd get to see his cripplingly unfunny funeral too!
It seems Sheen's character dies somehow (Conchata Ferrell accident maybe?) and then Jon Cryer is selling the big beach house everyone lives in and a bunch of people come to tour the place, including Kutcher and maybe some special Celebrity Friends. Then, presumably, Charlie Sheen's zombie crashes through the back wall wielding the severed arm of Angus T. Burgers and everyone screams and runs away. Not on the show. That's what's going to happen during the taping. [Deadline]