Deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak appeared in court today to face charges of corruption and ordering the killing of unarmed protesters earlier this year. He was wheeled in on a hospital bed acting the part of a sad old man, along with his klepto scumbag sons, Gamal and Alaa. Hard times for the Mubaraks. So, in honor of Hosni's not so glorious return to Cairo, here's a quick look at the man in happier times.

"Hold on, hold on… this motherfucker Bashar is funny!" [Image via Getty]

Jesse Helms tells a racist joke. [Image via Getty]

Bush And Hos, yukking it up War on Terror style. [Image via Getty]

Newt Gingrich makes a funny. [Image via Getty]

Nice shirt. [Image via AP]

"Hahaha... Darfur... hahaha" [Image via AP]

Something shady is going down with Silvio Berlusconi here. [Image via Getty]

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Saddam Hussein, King Hussein of Jordan and Hos. [Image via Getty]

"I'm going to rip this country off of what few resources it has." [Image via Getty]

Hosni with Anwar Sadat just before Sadat was assassinated. Hosni had nothing to do with it. [Image via Getty]

[Image via AP]