GQ released a list of the "15 worst dressed men in tech," which is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel; engineers are hardly known as fashion plates. Indeed, the magazine was so overwhelmed with badly dressed techies it left a few people off its list.

Click the gallery above to see the worst of GQ's 15 worst, plus two additions of our own.

It's impossible to argue with the selection of Seth Priebatsch, CEO of smartphone app maker SCVNGR. Priebatsch wears his aggressively geeky orange getup as a sort of uniform, sometimes even pairing it with salmon colored Bono sunglasses. [via Juliet M/Flickr]

Amazingly, GQ left out Steve Ballmer, the Microsoft CEO and noted sweat stain creator. He seems to have exactly two outfits; you can see them above. And yet Ballmer is worth around $15 billion, and Microsoft gave fashion makeovers to other geeky execs. Why not spring for one of his own?

Another GQ omission: Google chairman Eric Schmidt. Granted, this picture was taken at Burning Man, but the last time we checked, mom shorts were not a fashion item even among stoned desert hippies. And this is hardly Schmidt's first questionable outfit.

Ben Huh, LOLcat exploiter. As GQ said of the Cheezburger, Inc. CEO: We get it, you have a whimsical company and dress whimsically and it's all very adorable. But you should look like you're trying just a bit harder, especially if you want to motivate people to work for very little money.

Tom "MySpace Tom" Anderson. Who would have imagined such sloppy dress from the co-founder of a social network as tastefully designed as MySpace?? Talk about fish in a barrel.

MySpace Tom has the excuse of running MySpace. What is Mark Zuckerberg's excuse? Facebook is supposed to be the cooler, classier social network. And its CEO is already worth billions — in fact, he's the world's youngest billionaire. Live it up a little, Mark. When it comes to dressing for success, those guys at GQ know what they're... eh, nevermind, go ahead and stick with the hoodies and Adidas sandals. It's hard to argue with a $100 billion valuation.

GQ says Apple CEO Steve Jobs' "self-inflicted uniform... rivals Superman's in its homogeneity." Comparing the most celebrated CEO in America to a superhero is really going to burn, guys.