Jimmy McMillan Is Fighting Eviction from His Low Rent Apartment

Occasional Tea Party pitchman Jimmy McMillan, otherwise known as the "Rent Is Too Damn High" guy, is now battling his landlord over the rent on his St. Marks Place apartment, for which he pays $872.96 per month. McMillan told the Post he's had the place since 1977, and that his rent back then was around $275. "Maybe the landlord doesn't know, but he can't bulldog me because I know the law," he told the paper. His landlord is apparently arguing that the St. Marks Place apartment is not McMillan's primary residence because he keeps an apartment in Brooklyn that doubles as his party HQ. McMillan says that his landlord just wants to get more money from a new tenant (!!!). Good luck with all that, and welcome to the real world, Jimmy.