News Corp Has a Best Friend in the U.S. Attorney's Office

News Corp has a much-anticipated quarterly earnings call today, following yesterday's board meeting. The one (and only) real agenda item is to figure out how to move past the devastating UK phone hacking scandal—which means making sure it doesn't spread to America. Fortunately, News Corp has something going for it: best friends!
In Time magazine, Massimo Calabresi takes note of something that seems rather, what's the word... crooked. Viet Dinh, who was picked by Rupert Murdoch to handle News Corp's internal investigation of the scandal, is "best friends with the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara (pictured), who is leading the U.S. investigation into the company."
Best fucking friends! Bharara was the best man at Dinh's wedding. So, when did he recuse himself from the case? Oh, he hasn't, and also neither man would speak on the record about it. Sounds good. Just let this one play itself out; then, start an entirely new News Corp scandal about it next year. That's a plan.