The last time we checked in with accidental viral video star Jessi Slaughter, things were bleak. But in a new video, she looks remarkably OK and says she's living in foster care, away from her abusive dad.

In a video posted by YouTube user "HiroKasyumi"—apparently 12-year-old Jessi's classmate—Jessi explains that she's living in foster care, is getting counseling is banned from computer access (good!). She also apologizes to the lead singer of the band Blood on the Dance Floor for making false statutory rape accusations against him—accusations which helped spark the whole Jessi Slaughter-4chan debacle of 2010.

This is the first good bit of Jessi Slaughter news in a story that has continued to dishearten with every new, depressing detail. In March, Jessi's dad, Gene Leonhardt—from whose mouth issued the famous "You Dun Goofed"—was arrested for punching Jessi in the mouth. And in July, the Smoking Gun reported that Florida police had visited Jessi's home after being informed that nude pictures of her were being circulated on "various websites, including 4chan." Clearly, she needed to get out of that house.

Here's hoping this is the last we ever hear from Jessi. [via KnowYourMeme]