How can we possibly eliminate terrorism? Jennifer S. Bryson, chief sex perv at the conservative Witherspoon Institute, knows the answer: We need to study porn. Closely.

Bryson has been reading about accused terrorist Naser Jason Abdo, and just, sorta, thinkin' about stuff, as one does at a think tank. What kind of stuff is Bryson thinkin' about? Oh... you know... porn stuff:

Yet tucked away, often near the closing paragraph of the articles about this case, is mention of an issue that I believe warrants more attention than it has received in the past decade of terrorism studies: namely, pornography. And in Abdo's case, child pornography.

Why won't people focus on the porn, like noted expert Jennifer S. Bryson?

I wonder whether the pornography of today-now ubiquitous and increasingly grotesque-is one of the influences warping the mentality of those who aspire to or who actually go on to engage in ever more grotesque public violence.

That is, basically, a totally normal thing that normal people who are not obsessed with porn wonder about! As is this:

So, I wonder, is anyone in the U.S. government tracking and surveying the presence and types of pornography on these media? If we have access to the libraries of the personal pornography preferences of those who support and engage in terrorist violence, we may have a window into the dark corners of their minds.

Jennifer S. Bryson is just wondering, if, like, the U.S. government has a huge library of pornography? That she could look at? Or whoever. For national security!

What lurks there? It may be to our own peril that we would ignore this information before us.

In seeking to understand terrorists, studying their ideas alone is not enough. We need to study and understand their minds-and in this day and age, this includes, in perhaps more cases than we are aware of, minds shaped by pornography.

Not that Jennifer S. Bryson is volunteering to spearhead this porn-examination project! It's just, you know, she might be the best for the job. Or not! Just remember: It may be to our own peril that we don't let Jennifer S. Bryson rigorously examine porn.

[Pornography and National Security]