In your hopeful Wednesday media column: someone gives Capital New York some dough, Chris Rovzar leaves New York, Elisabeth Murdoch has tons of News Corp shareholder cash, Village Voice sex lawsuit dismissed, and the world's highest paid authors.

  • A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit that a teenage runaway girl filed against Village Voice Media, which alleged that the company was in the child prostitution business because of its site, where pimps advertise their child prostitutes. Well, the law says Village Voice Media is not responsible for that, the end! And thank god, because they need that money bad. No joke. So... your move, Ashton Kutcher, you dumbkof.
  • Who are the world's highest-paid authors? Spoiler, James Patterson is number one, fuck it, your day is ruined, you wish you'd never read this stupid blog.
  • In case you were curious, Elisabeth Murdoch personally made $214 million when she sold Shine, her production company, to News Corp. That's the company her dad runs! The same one that gave her $214 million. This is legal.
  • Smartie online Observer-alum spinoff site Capital New York just got a $1.7 million cash infusion from investors, which sounds like a lot in this new and diminished age! They will use some of the money to hire reporters, like Azi Paybarah. Congrats to all involved! Now somebody make some profit, somehow!
  • And speaking of new media job things: Chris Rovzar, who has been the voice of New York magazine's Daily Intel since the invention of the "blog," is leaving to take a job as Vanity Fair's digital editor. The guy who had it before him left in less than a year for HuffPo, and before that Chris Tennant left the job quickly as well. Probably a job that sounds more fun than it actually is! Good luck to all!