Teacher of the Year Suspended For Telling Facebook That Gays Make Him Want to Barf

Jerry Buell, Teacher of the Year at Mount Dora High School north of Orlando, has been suspended pending an investigation into some super-cool comments he made on his Facebook page. The social studies teacher wrote that he "almost threw up" when he heard that same-sex marriage had been legalized in New York. He thinks same-sex marriage is a "cesspool" and a "sin." Rock on, Mister B.! I "like" this! LOL!
"It wasn't out of hatred," he said in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel. "It was about the way I interpret things."
Buell has been "reassigned to an administrative position" pending an investigation "into whether he violated the district's code of conduct for educators." Are you kidding me? He didn't! He just thinks gays are gross and they make him want to barf all over the place and said that in the privacy of his own Facebook page. Now let Mister B. get back to making social studies something fun, that kids want to learn about, with raps about the Civil Rights movement and crap. He's so dope! [Orlando Sentinel]