Everyone is flipping out about this damn hurricane that's going to batter the East Coast either tomorrow or Sunday. Have you evacuated? If so, where are you headed? If not, what are you gonna do? Let us know.

Maybe we can all plan a massive hurricane party! Where is the best place to do it? Is your favorite bar going to be open? Or are you going to stay home and watch DVDs? What are you going to watch? Not Twister, I hope! (Helen Hunt's forehead will give you nightmares for weeks!) And if you've evacuated and you need a place to stay, is someone in your community going to help you out? I have a putout couch. That's like a pullout couch, except you have to put out to sleep there.

Let us know how you're waiting out the hurricane in the comments. If we're going to be miserable, we might as well have company.

[Photo via Shutterstock.com]