Shia LaBeouf and Marilyn Manson Walk Into a Cabaret...

Shia LaBeouf has a public spitting problem, Chelsea Handler was booted from a bathroom stall, Sofia Coppola got married, Simon Cowell and Muammar Qaddafi have a lot in common, and the cast of Jersey Shore barely escaped Hurricane Irene. Sunday gossip has made landfall.
- Shia LaBeouf either a) can't handle his booze, or b) can't handle not being the center of attention, or c) just likes to throw temper tantrums. He apparently had "a public meltdown" at The Box in LA on Friday. According to a witness who told Life & Style: "Shia picked up a water bottle and shot a mouthful of water all over his seated date's legs. Then he put more water in his mouth and started spitting it all over his tablemates, including Marilyn Manson. He seemed wasted." Sounds like a cool guy to hang out with. [Life & Style]
- Chelsea Handler was supposedly kicked out of the men's bathroom at the Frying Pan (in Chelsea) after she entered a stall with "a dude with gold shoes." Page Six seems to think she might have been doing drugs in there. Look, just because a guy is wearing gold shoes and is doubling up in a bathroom stall doesn't necessarily mean he has cocaine. Okay, yes it does. [P6]
- Filmmaker Sofia Coppola and Thomas Mars of the band Phoenix were married yesterday in Coppola's grandparents' hometown of Bernalda, Italy. It sounds like everyone had a good time. Congrats! [People]
- Size matters: Simon Cowell and L.A. Reid are in a pissing match over the size of their trailers on the set of X Factor. According to a Page Six source, "Reid has ordered 6-foot speakers and even an area to store wine. But Simon wants nine TVs and his trailer to be surrounded by plants and palms, so it feels like he's in a garden. He has also asked for a jacuzzi with a TV in the bathroom, where he relaxes before each live show." That's pretty unsurprising, actually. [P6]
- Some dude from Maroon 5 is pretending he hates MTV. It's all about the street cred, bro. [Us]
- Fear not VMA watchers, the entire cast of Jersey Shore will be there! Vinny, Deena, Sammi and Snooki were evacuated from New Jersey yesterday on a private plane, while the rest were headed there from different parts of the country. Pauly D, who was in Oklahoma City (?), told MTV, "Irene got nothing on my blowout." [MTV]
- Reality TV flop Bristol Palin was spotted on Melrose Avenue filming a new reality show about Bristol Palin — do-gooder single mom. [Radar]
[Images via Getty]