Don Lemon Is a Damn Expensive Date

In your most-beautiful-day-of-the-year Tuesday media column: Don Lemon's for sale, The Politico will not stop succeeding, Tina Brown will not stop showing out, Slate spinoff suggested, and Mediaite locates America's most meaningless story.
- How much would you pay for a date with dapper CNN man Don Lemon? "You" would pay $1,050, if you are David Hauslaib, founder of Jossip and other internet sites. But both those guys actually already have boyfriends, so, total waste of cash! It all went to some stupid charity. Just kidding, the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association is a fine charity, although it's no UNICEF. Also this line from Gail Shister is probably the best Humblebrag disclosure we've read on a blog post in quite a while: "(Full disclosure: I am a long-time member of NLGJA and was inducted to its Hall of Fame in 2008.)" Hall of Fame, even! (Full disclosure: Sorry NLGJA, the ladies tell me I'm in the Heterosexual Hall of Fame, myself. Thanks mom.)
- The Politico now makes as much money from its online operation as it does from its print operation. Wherever you are, there's The Politico, taking your money, talkin' bout horse racing. Sigh.
- Tina Brown made all those wacky covers for Newsweek lately, but, for the most part, none of them sold extraordinarily well. (Although they sold better than Newsweek used to, which is... something.) But you can't put a price on the "buzz" they generated! The buzz being, "Tina Brown is desperate."
- Paul Smalera suggests that Slate should be spun off on its own and given a smart, tech-savvy boss, so that it might have a chance to spread its metaphorical digital wings and fly, rather than just being eaten away by budget cuts until it sucks. Seems like a good idea.
- The lead story on Mediaite right now: "Fox and Friends Calls Politico ‘Lefty Website' Over ‘Is Rick Perry Dumb?'." It is the perfect storm of inconsequence!
[Photo via Getty]