Bloomberg Deputy Arrested for Beating His Wife Last Month

If the second-most powerful official in New York City government spends two days in jail for assaulting his wife, is that something the Bloomberg administration thinks people ought to know about? Nope.
When Stephen Goldsmith, the former Indianapolis mayor and technocratic guru that Michael Bloomberg hired as his deputy last year, resigned suddenly in August, everyone assumed it was because he failed so miserably during last winter's blizzard. "The change will provide me, at age 64, with more flexibility for me and my family and a secure foundation for our future," Goldsmith said at the time in a statement.
Turns out that four days before his resignation, Goldsmith had been arrested for allegedly beating his wife at their Georgetown home. The New York Post has the police report:
The shocking report describes in dramatic detail how a "verbal altercation" between the former Indianapolis mayor, 64, and his wife in their ritzy house turned ugly at around 11:30 p.m. July 30.
"I should have put a bullet through you years ago!" Margaret, 59, allegedly told Goldsmith, the report revealed.
Stephen Goldsmith then "shoved [Margaret into] the kitchen counter," according to the report.
"You're not going to do this to me again, I'm calling the police," Margaret responded, the report said.
Goldsmith "then grabbed the phone from her hands and threw it onto the ground, breaking the phone. He then grabbed [Margaret] and refused to let her go."
"She kept screaming, 'Let me go, let me go,' " as Stephen refused to let her out of his grasp, according to the report.
"She dug her nails into [Stephen's] forearms," causing him to release Margaret, who then "ran to the other room to call police."
Cops arrived and arrested Stephen for "simple assault domestic violence," the report said. Margaret complained of back pain but refused medical attention.
Goldsmith spent two days in a D.C. jail—while he was still serving as the deputy mayor of New York City—and Bloomberg didn't think to tell anyone.
Goldsmith's wife now insists there was no violence, and charges were never filed in the case.
[Photo via Getty Images.]