Like a runaway train on a runaway track, Fashion Week is still hurtling into the horizon, wrecking everything in its path. Well, it's at least littering it with sequins and empty champagne bottles. Let's look at today's flotsam and jetsam.

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Jeremy Scott, consistantly the most daffy offering during Fashion Week today did not disappoint with a Huckleberry Hound as Western Deputy collection.

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Nanette Lepore and her daughter Violet dyed their own outfits with Hilighter.

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The Merry Mennonite Orchestra also played at Nanette Lepore.

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PETA was called when it was discovered Michael Kors cut off all the camel's toes.

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The only thing gayer than Siegfried and Roy.

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A schlubby straight guy sits front row at Michael Kors. Look at what affirmative action has done to our country!

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Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen are so lucky they have four eyes to roll.

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Hold on. Zoe Saldana isn't blue?

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Holy shit, where has Carol Kane been for like all of eternity? And what is she doing at fashion week? Someone give this woman a sitcom!

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