You know when you get into an unfamiliar city for some stupid work thing and you're desperately trying to remember who you know who lives there? That apparently happened with 23-year-old Marine veteran Dakota Meyer, whose "stupid work thing" tomorrow is "being awarded the Medal of Honor." So he did what any self-respecting living Medal of Honor recipient would (there have only been two since Vietnam): He called the president.

According to Fox's Ed Henry, Meyer told some aides that he wanted to get a beer with President Obama; Obama heard about the invite and said "sure!" Here they are (courtesy the White House Flickr account) kicking it in the Rose Garden. So, now you know: All you have to do to get a beer with the president is save 36 people from a Taliban ambush by killing eight insurgents while being wounded yourself. Meyer will be awarded the medal tomorrow at 2:30 ET.

Update: Blake Henderson of the IAVA sends over a link to the stories of the nine Medal of Honor recipients since 9/11, including Meyer.