The War Against ILVTOFU License Plates

Tofu-loving Tennesseean Whitney Calk has teamed up with PETA to protest being denied a vanity license plate that says ILVTOFU (I love tofu) because state bureaucrats misread it as I LV TO FU, which they found offensive, because fucking. Which is odd, since I find tofu more offensive than fucking, but that's beside the point.
Whitney Calk is protesting! Not just for herself, but for tofu-loving drivers of obnoxiously plated cars everywhere. PETA explains that America is in the midst of a decentralized war against ILVTOFU license plates: In addition to Tennessee, Florida, Colorado, and Virginia have also rejected ILVTOFU license plates. Won't anyone stand up for the rights of ILVTOFU license plates? Damn red states, full of carnivorous thugs and/or sexual prudes and/or destroyers of free speech. [Tennessean, Fark, image via PETA]