That soft galloping you hear is the clack of a million pairs of high heels marching off into the distance. Yes, fashion week is ending. And while we'll miss our time in its glamorous thrall, we think we'll survive until February.

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Charlotte Kemp Muhl, Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon are trying very hard to be the modern day Addams Family.

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Vincent Gallo is designing now? No, that's not him. That's Three AsFour or something.

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The only thing we can say to these two is, "Werq!" (SNAPS!)

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Olivia Wilde's face looks like a yawn.

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They were all applauding the debut of Andrew Lauren's magnificent mullet.

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Ew, what is this boring political messaging in the middle of our Fashion Week?

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Oh, Brad...

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Uma asks, "Will this bitch shut up about living in Brooklyn?"

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