Starbucks' peeping tom problem continues. Locations in Florida, California and Connecticut all were hit by creepy hidden cameras in their restrooms this summer. Now a D.C. man is suing Starbucks after a hidden camera was found in one of the bathrooms he used.

William Yockey is seeking $1 million in damages after this happened in April, according to NBC Washington:

Yockey told News4 he was sightseeing with his family on April 23 when they stopped in the Starbucks coffee shop. Yockey said one of the two unisex bathrooms was closed, so he used the other unisex bathroom. His daughter also used the same bathroom.

While washing her hands, Yockey said his daughter turned to him and said "Daddy, there's a camera."
According to court documents, the camera was a small, Coby brand digital video camera, planted in the U-shaped drainpipe. The lens of the digital camera was pointed towards the toilet, he said.

The manager offered Yockey a coffee while they were waiting for police to check it out, which was nice. But, what's with all these camera-laced Starbucks restrooms? The worst part about this is that in many parts of the country Starbucks functions as a de facto public restroom; you've got no choice!