In your throwback Thursday media column: WaPo reporters now required to learn about the "internet," UK tabloid journalists are unpopular, Walter Cronkite's nepotistic legacy, The Onion is leaving NYC, and Scotland Yard is coming for your video footage.

  • Breaking new policy spelled out in a new Washington Post internal memo: link to stuff, on the internet. Wha???? Isn't the internet the lawless place built for stealing Washington Post content? "Links are the signposts of the Internet. Without them, we lose readers. This may seem counterintuitive, especially when it comes to external links." Wait, is this about a computer?
  • Trust for tabloid journalists in the UK among British people right now is holding fast at 5%. Haha yes well, they're no Fox News.
  • Did you know that Walter Cronkite's grandson, Walter Cronkite IV, is "a full-time broadcast associate" for CBS News? Nice kid, I'm sure. He and Luke Russert should team up and start their own TV news network called "People Who Got Hired Based Upon Their Merits Alone" (PWGHBUTMA).
  • The Onion is planning to move all of its New York staffers out to Chicago in order to consolidate its operations there. Related: if you're looking for a funny headline writer, and you're not located in some second-tier Midwestern icehole, please email at once!
  • Scotland Yard has won a court order forcing UK news organizations to hand over "hundreds of hours of unbroadcast footage" of last month's London riots to the muthafuckin police. Great, journalists really are narcs. Whether they like it or not.

[Photo of WaPo editorial meeting: Shutterstock]