Cat with Two Faces Sets World Record

Meet "Frankie and Louie," a 12-year-old cat with two faces and two names. Guinness World Records says he is the world's longest-living Janus cat. (Fun fact: That is what they call two-faced cats, on account of two-faced Roman god Janus.) Most Janus cats die within hours of their births.
Frankie and Louie (sometimes "Frankenlouie") has two mouths, two noses, two functioning eyes, and one non-functioning eye.
"That was the first eye to open up when he was two days old so I had a little Cyclops for a while," his owner explains.
At left, Frankie and Louie appears on an old episode of Animal Planet's Weird, True and Freaky. [Worcester Telegram, Cheat Sheet, screenshot via Worcester Telegram]