Let's Name Courtney Love's Memoir

Courtney Love is writing a book! Or rather, a ghostwriter is being yanked from his bed in the middle of the night, shackled to a desk in an abandoned warehouse, and forced to whittle down 10,000 hours of scrambled spoken thoughts and profanity into something resembling a coherent sequence of ideas expressed in written words, i.e. a book!
William Morrow, a HarperCollins imprint, announced on Thursday that the Hole frontwoman is prepared to "set the record straight" in an autobiography that will "address life with [Kurt] Cobain, her drug problems and her Hollywood career." (She made them say that last part.) The book is due out next fall, and is as-yet untitled, so let's title it!
Enter in the comments below. Winner, as decided by us, gets a (possibly autographed, no promises) copy of the book, which will probably end up being called something boring like Rock Star or Love on Love or Love Child: An American Icon in Her Own Words. So, come on! You know can do better.