Military Court Rules It's OK for Marine to Wear Uniform in Gay Porn

Sgt. Matthew W. Simmons, an active duty member of the Marine Corps Band, may be breathing a bit easier today because a military court ruled that it was fine and dandy that he filmed some gay porn movies wearing pieces of his Marine uniform. Wow, "don't ask, don't tell" fell and now soldiers making gay porn is just hunky dory.
The U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that Simmons should be resentenced for his guilty plea to misusing his uniform. Apparently Simmons—who worked under the name Christian Jade for gay porn websites like Active Duty and College Dudes and as Adam on milquetoast muscletwink haven Corbin Fisher—wore part of his uniform in a porn shoot and mentioned that he was a Marine in some behind-the-scenes footage. The court ruled this was not using the uniform for commercial purposes, because he didn't wear his full uniform or give the impression that the Marines supported his behavior.
This is from their decision:
"We are also not satisfied, on the basis of this record, that the appellant's statements or wear of uniform items may create an inference of service endorsement of the activities depicted. The appellant never wore a complete 'uniform,' so the general public could never receive 'visual evidence of the authority and responsibility vested in the individual by the United States Government.' He did not voice any Marine support for what he was doing or any service views on the propriety or impropriety of his conduct."
This is a very dangerous precedent to set, especially considering the gays appetite for men in uniforms and enlisted hunks getting it on. You're going to start to see guys wearing just one piece of their gear in all sorts of positions. Well, considering making porn while in the military is still against the rules, they could get in trouble for that, but at least they'll now be free of those pesky uniform violations or won't get thrown out just for being gay!
Oh, and because we know you're a bunch of pervs, you can see him in NSFW action here, here, or here, and watch some video of him in action here. This is how you show your support for our troops, people.