Here's a good story to lead off the inevitable Times trend piece about protesters finding love at Occupy Wall Street: Boy spots girl being arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge. Boy posts Craigslist missed connection.

Over 700 people were arrested Saturday when Occupy Wall Street protesters from Lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park flooded the Brooklyn Bridge. One of those was a "cute anarchist" with a red neckerchief. Another was her male admirer, who posted this Missed Connection on Craigslist yesterday:

Cute anarchist(?) protestor arrested at Occupy Wall Street - m4w - 29 (90th precinct house, Williamsburg)

I fist spotted you at Zuccotti Park/Liberty Square right before the march started. You're a few years younger than me with short, dark hair and you were wearing all black with leggings and a red handkerchief around your neck. I thought you crushingly attractive but things got moving and I lost track of you before I was able to work up the nerve to say hello. I saw you again a couple hours later when we got arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge, and then we ended up in neighboring cells at the 90th precinct house in Williamsburg. I'm the tall guy with glasses and short, dark hair wearing jeans and a tan t-shirt. I had a gray hoodie with black stripes on the bridge. You made fun of my shoes' tongues falling out because they'd confiscated our shoelaces! Unfortunately you were released in the first group and I in the last, so I couldn't find you by the time I got out. Curses!

I'll be looking for you hard the next time I'm down there, and I won't let the opportunity pass by me a 2nd time! But in case I don't see you, know that I'd love to buy you a coffee or tea or what-have-you (it's cold in that park!) and hear what draws you to the demonstration. Say hello!

After apparently checking out media coverage of the march he added: "UPDATE: You are photographed very prominently on The Guardian."

I'm surprised Craigslist isn't flooded with these. Having spent time in Zuccotti Park among the twentysomethings hanging around until the next General Assembly, I can assure you the place is hook-up central. And the nights are only getting colder! We've asked the author of the post whether he's had any luck. No response yet. Maybe he's occupied.

Do you have any stories of love at Occupy Wall Street? Email me at

Update: The author of the post, "M.," responded that he hasn't found his radical crush:

No luck yet, but I haven't given up hope! I've been to the park a few times since for the assemblies but haven't seen her. Perhaps she was an out-of-towner...