Fox News Hired Sarah Palin For Her Tits

In yet another one of what's becoming a series of bizarre interviews pegged to Fox News Channel's 15th anniversary, fat dick Roger Ailes reveals why he hired snowbilly grifter Sarah Palin: "She's hot."
In his sit-down with the Frazier Moore of the Associated Press—a pinko outfit that just last week Ailes excoriated for its willingness to entertain the notion that Muslims worship a deity—Ailes (justifiably) crowed about his 15-year tenure at the top of the nation's most successful cable news operation, dismissing criticism as the whining of competitors who are "getting their ass beat."
As with his last interview, Ailes seemed to be positioning himself as News Corp.'s crazy uncle, letting loose some blunt lines clearly designed to raise eyebrows. For instance, in response to a question about Fox News' role as a constituency in the GOP, as opposed to a news outlet, he says: "I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings," and not for her politics. Brilliant! Question dodged, blogs lit up.
He also shed a little light on his plans for Fox's future. Ailes' contract is up in 2013, and he has been widely believed to be preparing for a graceful departure after helping guide the White House back into GOP control in 2012. He purchased two quaint little newspapers near his country home in Putnam County, N.Y., and loudly indicated his intention to terrorize the staffers there and import his unique brand of unhinged paranoia upstate after his contract expires.
But today he tells Moore that despite being "old, fat and ugly," he feels healthy. " So if I still feel like this and somebody offers me a job in June of `13, I may just take it." Or buy the Cleveland Indians. He might buy the Cleveland Indians.
[Images via Getty]