If you have 30 CDs stolen from you, it's perfectly understandable that you'd go to the cops. If those 30 CDs are filled with child porn, on the other hand, well, the cops are likely to be less sympathetic.

It was a hard lesson learned well by Kraig Stockard (making an appropriate child-pornographer face in the accompanying mugshot), who reported the theft of the CDs from his barn in September. Only, the thieves reported him, too:

Deputies said a juvenile and a 19-year-old who broke in and stole the CDs — about 50 of them, thinking they were blank — and later brought them home.

When the pair asked a family member to upload some music onto the discs, the relative popped in one of the CDs and discovered the child pornography, deputies said.

The finding prompted the pair to contact the Sheriff's Department and explain the situation, according to the news release. Deputies then checked all the stolen CDs and found more than 30 of them contained child porn images, they said.

The cops arrested Stockard and seized "three computers, three laptops and several external hard drives"; he's apparently admitted to downloading it and is facing child pornography charges. The robbers were not arrested,