Recently we stopped by a Halloween superstore in search of some new work clothes (dressing up in costumes helps stave off writer's block), and noticed amidst the racks of Slutty Thises and Slutty Thats a pile of rubber Charlie Sheen masks for sale. It didn't surprise us that someone would want to dress up as this year's ultimate Hollywood meltdown and fright show, given the "Boo!! Scary!!" angle of the holiday—but little did we know that "Charlie Sheen" would actually win this year's costume popularity contest.

Reports CNN, a fairly reliable news source:

Charlie Sheen — a.k.a. "the Rock Star from Mars" — who caused a frenzy following his departure from the sitcom, "Two and a Half Men," earlier this year is now the top choice for a costume this season, according to Spirit Halloween, the country's largest seasonal Halloween retailer.

"His 'winning' attitude certainly struck a nerve," said Spirit President and CEO Steven Silverstein. Although Sheen has been on the Hollywood scene since the 1980s, "he's immortalized himself this year," Silverstein said.

Charlie Sheen is now the goddessless patron saint of survivors and the disenfranchised. He's our new civil rights hero, a millionaire who leads our way and goes to places, like the doctor's and the Gathering of the Juggalos, that most of us are too afraid to visit. We can all learn how to successfully manage the difficulties of life by following his example.

The New York Daily News gives the news a local spin:

Manager Robert McCorkle, 39, said a Sheen mask with a sports coat and thin tie like the actor sometimes wears was a hit at the Abracadabra Super Store in Manhattan.

The store started out with 12 of the costumes recently - at $65 each - and is already down to four.

"I feel good renting them because he's one of those guys who beat the Goliath, I think," McCorkle said.

And there you have it. American aren't dressing up like Sheen because he's a self-admitted trainwreck with woman, substance, and attitude issues, but because he's our victorious underdog. An Everyman—a little guy just like you and me, trying to make it in this tough, unforgiving world—who took on his bullies and actually won (#wonning).

[CNN, UPI. Image via AP]