Peggy Noonan Observes Average Americans via Closed Circuit Video

The readers of the Wall Street Journal don't have time to go out into the dirty corners of the world to find out what the rabble is thinking. That's why they buy the Wall Street Journal—to keep abreast of the various maneuverings and machinations of the rabble, as described by columnists who are, frankly, also too well-off to go out into the dirty corners of the world to find out what the rabble is thinking.
Peggy Noonan! Wealthy lady, WSJ columnist, speaker of Olde English, comically out of touch American princess. She once saw a Mexican! So it's only natural that she bring her populist touch to the task of interacting with Americans who... who... blurrghhhh. I'm sorry. I vomited. Americans who shop at Wal-Mart.
Yes: Peggington Noonington hath deigned to pay a visit to the commoners, in order to transcribe their strange gruntings for the benefit of her readers. Well; she didn't touch them, of course.
But here's the most remarkable thing I saw this week. I watched, by computer, two focus groups of so-called Wal-Mart moms-middle- and working-class women who'd shopped at least once the past month at Wal-Marts. The polling firm Public Opinion Strategies, assembled the groups, 10 women in Orlando, Fla., and 10 in Des Moines, Iowa. In Orlando they were mothers in their 20s and 30s; in Des Moines in their 40s and 50s.
The most remarkable thing Peggy Noonan saw all week was an image on her computer screen of ten moms in Orlando who shop at Wal-Mart. How do they live? What are their customs? Do they walk around topless, like common Africans? All of the fascinating sociological information can be found within Peggy Noonan's column.
Think of it as the Wal-Mart of columns!